NEA Task 8 : Research Into Existing Film Magazines For A Media Literate Audience

 'Sam' (a member of a media literate audience) is likely to engage in film magazines like Sight and Sound, Little White Lies and Film Stories

Film Stories is a film magazine founded by Simon Brew and was launched in 2018 as a Uk monthly film magazine. Issues vary from £3.99 to £5.99 a piece, or a yearly subscription can be bought for just £29. Film Stories has a website where audiences can subscribe to newsletters and engage with hyperlinks such as podcasts and live events. 

Little White Lies is a print magazine published bi-monthly by The Church of London from 2005. Little White Lies has been described as at the vanguard of the independent publishing movement.” The magazine can be bought from the website for £28.00, which includes all five copies in once yearly subscription. 
Sight and Sound is published by the British Film Institute since 1932, there is a new copy of the magazine monthly, and is also available to view in digital format. An annual print subscription is £50, whereas a print subscription is just £35. The film magazine does not have a website, but is featured on the British Institute website. 

Completed NEA

 Dear Moderator, My name is Lacey Vanner. Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for the M...